Ísraels frettaátak til að réttlæta striðsglæpir sínar

Olmert hafnar vopnahlé, samt eru fjölmiðlar í öllum vestrænum löndum að fylgja eftir ísraelskum forsetningum: Allt er Hamas að kenna, Ísrael má vernda sínum borgaranum með loftárásum, Gasabúa mega ekki vernda sínu fólkið með einu eða neinu. 'Israel hefur drepist Hamas leiðtogum með morðárásum úr lofti, jafnvel þeim sem voru ekki meðlimur í hernaðadeildinni þeirrar, oftast nær voru með þeim drepin fjölkskyldur þeirrar, nágrannar og venjulegir vegfarendur í grendinni. 'Ísrael´s aðgerðir gegn Palestínumenn eru aldrei kallað hryðjuverk, bara aðgerðir Palestínumanna gegn 'Israelum, þrátt fyrir það að 'Israelar drepa ýfirlegt fleiri óbreytti borgarar en Palestínumenn.

'Israelsmenn loka öllum landamærin inn til Gaza og matvælir eru að endast, en þegar nokkrir Hamasmenn eru grafa göng til þess að koma byrðum inn í landið, þá eru þau réttdræpir.

Þegar einn 'isrealsmaður hefur verið drepinn af heimatilbúin eldflaugu, þá er það réttlætinlega að drepa 500 Palestínumenn í loftárasum. Og til tryggja öryggju 'israels landhérs í árásinu, þá er það leyfilegt að nota hvitt Phosphor sem vopn til "að hreinsa svæðið". Hver sem anda þessu að sér brennur innan frá og deyr sársaukafullastandauðdag, sem hægt er að hugsa.

Ísraelski fræðikona Yosefa Loshitzky í fjölmiðlafræðum skrifur um fréttaátök 'Israels:

Israel's blonde bombshells and real bombs in Gaza

I am not sure that most people understand the meaning of the name "Operation Cast Lead" chosen by Israel for its murderous and criminal attack on Gaza. The name is borrowed from a Hebrew nursery rhyme which was (and may still be) very popular among Israeli children in the 1950s. In this song, a father promises to his child a special Hannukah gift: "a cast lead sevivon." Sevivon, in Hebrew (A dreidel in Yiddish) is a four-sided spinning top, played with during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. Somebody, in the Israeli army, who apparently feels nostalgic about his childhood, decided that if Israeli kids would enjoy a sevivon cast from lead there is no reason why Palestinian children would not appreciate it too. After all Operation Cast Lead is not the first (and unfortunately, will not be the last) of Israel's cruel war games.

The cynicism embedded in the name, selected for what Ari Shavit, one of Israel's most celebrated commentators, called "an intelligent, impressive operation," is symptomatic to the cold, meticulous and calculated cruelty with which this attack was "designed," "executed" and "marketed" to the world. As the perpetrators themselves proudly boast, Operation Cast Lead is not only a great military victory but also a success story of Israeli hasbara (meaning in Hebrew, explanation, but practically referring to misinformation, spin and lies).

Israel's oiled propaganda-machine was further lubricated by its self-acknowledged decision to select women as their masbirim (misinformation spokespersons) so as "to project a feminine and softer image." To add some cool glamour to Israel's hot lies, Tzipi Livni, the state's foreign minister and a natural blonde, announced, in response to calls for truce: "There is no humanitarian crisis in the [Gaza] Strip, and therefore there is no need for a humanitarian truce." ...

The well-orchestrated propaganda machinery was also equipped with Israel's most successful "secret weapons" of mass deception: playing the role of the victim again. It is not an accident, therefore, that, as the Israeli spin doctors themselves explained in an interview to The Jewish Chronicle, that: "The international media were directed to a press center set up by the foreign ministry in Sderot itself so that foreign reporters would spend as much time as possible in the main civilian area affected by Hamas rockets." The scenes of crying, panic-stricken Israelis added some excessive emotionalism which counter-balanced, but nicely complemented, the team of the icy blonde offenders.

The designation of the Gaza Strip and south Israel as a "closed military zone," and the ban on media coverage of the Gaza carnage contributes to the sanitized view of the Gaza story as manufactured by Israel. The real horror and gore is reserved for the Al Jazeera's spectators, particularly the Arab ones. Ghetto-under-siege Gaza remains almost silent and partly invisible to the rest of us. We hardly hear or see in mainstream media, testimonies from the ground.

But we are bombarded by statements and "explanations" given by Israeli officials and "international experts" who discuss the "situation" calmly and "logically." After all, unlike the hysterical, always shouting and crying Gazans, they have not been bombarded by for nine days straight. They are interviewed in their comfortable (probably leather-clad) offices. They look and sound like respectable westerners, just like "us," and their foreign minister is very calm and cool as her blonde hair obliges.

A pioneering study by the Glasgow University Media Group on media coverage of conflicts, taught us that if you look respectable and calm you must be right. The Palestinians, by contrast, usually interviewed when they are in a state of shock, look disheveled, disoriented, slightly hysterical. And they are always surrounded by chaos and disorder. The buildings around are destroyed, debris is scattered everywhere, and the noise is unbearable (not to mention that they speak this incomprehensible language). Is something wrong with them? Also, even when they are not "extremists" they are always on the defense, almost apologetic, trying to convince us that they are not terrorists, not even militants, just ordinary people who want to survive, if not to enjoy this life. This makes them look even more suspicious.

mbl.is Olmert hafnaði vopnahléi
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